Discover your purpose
Be the real, joyous, you!
We’ve all had times in our lives when we’ve performed at our peak, times when we’ve felt fully alive, when we’ve been living in the moment, so absorbed by what we’ve been doing that nothing else has mattered.
Each of us has unique talents we were born with. When we become aware of what they are and use them on a daily basis, we feel inspired and we inspire others. We are able to make a valuable contribution in the world and to lead more fulfilling lives. Every day becomes an adventure - exciting, inspiring, fulfilling.
This is the secret of happiness and it is possible for everyone. It is not the preserve of the few. You too can realise your potential by discovering what it is you do magnificently, what it is you were born to do and what no one else can do quite like you.
Core Process
Developed by Chris Bull and others and introduced into ICI in the 1970’s, Core Process is a journey of self-discovery that results in a pair of words that capture the essence of who you are - you at your best.
Nick Heap
Nick worked at ICI for 12 years, initially as a Research Chemist then as a Facilitator, Coach and Development Consultant helping individuals and teams maximise their performance. He has also worked as a Marriage Guidance Counsellor, a Samaritan Volunteer and Career Counsellor and has been an independent consultant for the last 26 years.
Nick has gently facilitated several hundred people through the core process, from blue chip organisations, the Civil Service through to small companies and private individuals.
A great listener who is passionate about the Core Process and what it can do for people, Nick is committed to helping people unlock their potential and lead happier, more fulfilling lives.
43 Roe Green Close, Hatfield AL10 9PD
Tel: 01707 886553 and 0787 9861525
“A remarkable tool.”
“A truly profound experience.”
“Helped me discover my unique gifts and how I best add value to the world, doing what I love doing.”
“I had an extraordinary session. There came a point where I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. The more I think about it (my core process) the better it gets.”
“Give yourself a gift and spend time with Nick on your core process. It will inspire and motivate you to be the best you can be more of the time.”
“I walked away at the end of the session listing all the people I wanted to send to Nick to experience this process.”
“Good men are hard to find - and Nick has devoted much of his life to helping others find out more about their REAL selves - right down to their very core.”
“Brilliant. I now have a greater understanding of why things happened in my life and how I can make them better in the future.”
I would like to thank Christine Mockford for her elegant description of this service.
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